The generosity of the Burns Flat-Dill City community reached
101 children this year with a full complement of school supplies. This Monday, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church gave out
98 backpacks to children of families that needed a little extra help this year. Another 3 were helped the next day. If annual patterns hold true, a few more will
come seeking assistance over the next two weeks.
How does this all come together? First the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
budgets $1000, then the Vacation Bible School dedicates its offering to the
Backpack Ministry, and then local businesses and individuals are led to add to
that amount. In the end, every child
that came for supplies was given a new backpack and a grade specific bag—and sometimes
tub—full of supplies.
While the economy may still be a little rocky in these
parts, generosity still prevails among those who remain. The Burns Flat Cumberland Presbyterian Church
wishes to thank all donors and helpers.
We have once again been blessed to be a blessing!
... A little post script. As of 15 August 2016, the number of children helped was 105.
... A little post script. As of 15 August 2016, the number of children helped was 105.